
The * indicates equal author contribution. The + indicates undergraduate mentees.


Nussenbaum, K. & Hartley, C.A. Reinforcement learning increasingly shapes memory specificity from childhood to adulthood. preprint. data & code.

Journal Articles

Jach. H., et al. (in press). Curiosity in cognitive science and personality psychology: Individual differences in information demand have a low dimensional structure that is predicted by personality traits. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. preprint.

Nussenbaum, K. & Hartley, C.A. (2024). Meta-learned models as tools to test theories of cognitive development (Commentary on Binz et al.). Behavioral and Brain Sciences. link.

Nussenbaum, K.*, Katzman, P.L.*, Lu, H., Zorowitz, S. & Hartley, C.A. (2024). Sensitivity to the instrumental value of choice increases across development. Psychological Science. pdf. data & code.

Nussenbaum, K. & Hartley, C.A. (2024). Understanding the development of reward learning through the lens of meta-learning. Nature Reviews Psychology. link.

Nussenbaum, K.*, Martin, R.E.*, Maulhardt, S., Yang, Y., Bizzell-Hatcher, G., Bhatt, N.S., Scheuplein, M., Rosenbaum, G.M., O’Doherty, J.P., Cockburn, J., & Hartley, C.A. Novelty and uncertainty differentially drive exploration across development. (2023). eLife. pdf. data & code.

Nussenbaum, K., Velez, J.A.+, Washington, B.T.+, Hamling, H.E.+, & Hartley, C.A. Flexibility in valenced reinforcement learning computations across development. (2022). Child Development. pdf. data & code.

Hartley, C.A., Nussenbaum, K., & Cohen, A.O. (2021). Interactive development of adaptive learning and memory. Annual Review of Developmental Psychology. pdf.

Nussenbaum, K., & Hartley, C.A. (2021) Developmental change in prefrontal cortex recruitment supports the emergence of value-guided memory. eLife. pdf. data & code.

Nussenbaum, K., Scheuplein, M., Phaneuf, C.V., Evans, M.D., & Hartley, C.A. (2020). Moving developmental research online: comparing in-lab and web-based studies of model-based reinforcement learning. Collabra: Psychology. pdf. data & code.

Cohen, A.O.*, Nussenbaum, K.*, Dorfman, H.M., Gershman, S.J., & Hartley, C.A. (2020). The rational use of causal inference to guide reinforcement learning strengthens with age. npj Science of Learning. pdf. data & code. short summary.

Nussenbaum, K.*, Cohen, A.O.*, Davis, Z.J., Halpern, D.J., Gureckis, T.M., & Hartley, C.A. (2020). Causal information-seeking strategies change across childhood and adolescence. Cognitive Science. pdf. data & code.

Nussenbaum, K., Prentis, E.+, & Hartley, C.A. (2020). Memory’s reflection of learned information value increases across development. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. pdf. data & code. short summary.

Nussenbaum, K. & Hartley, C.A. (2019). Reinforcement learning across development: What insights can we draw from a decade of research? Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. pdf.

Nussenbaum, K., Scerif, G.+, & Nobre, A.C.+ (2019). Differential effects of salient visual events on memory-guided attention in adults and children. Child Development. pdf. data & code.

Nussenbaum, K., Amso, D., & Markant, J. (2017). When increasing distraction helps learning: Distractor number and content interact in their effects on memory. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. pdf. data.

Markant, J., Ackerman, L.K., Nussenbaum, K., & Amso, D. (2016). Selective attention neutralizes the adverse effects of low socioeconomic status on memory in 9-month-old infants. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. pdf.

Nussenbaum, K., & Amso, D. (2016). An attentional Goldilocks effect: An optimal amount of social interactivity promotes word learning from video. Journal of Cognition and Development. pdf.

Conference Proceedings

Nussenbaum, K. & Hartley, C.A. (2020). Prefrontal-striatal circuitry supports adaptive memory prioritization across development. In: Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. pdf.

Nussenbaum, K.+, Cohen, A.O.+, Davis, Z.J., Halpern, D., Gureckis, T.M., & Hartley, C.A. (2019). Causal intervention strategies change across adolescence. In: Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. pdf.